I have been painting madly since February with many ups and downs along the way, including losing 5 weeks in June through illness.
Learning to be brave, take risks and be discerning with my efforts during the process. I have learnt so much through painting consistently 2-3 days per week.
I had a solid goal to work towards by winning the Arts in Focus award in 2020, as a supported solo exhibition was part of the prize - egads - what have I done? It is great for the ego to win an art prize, but with an exhibition looming, means I have to buckle down and produce a heap of quality work that I would be proud to show people and my peers. And... I can't get out of it !!!
Not that I really wanted to reneg, but the old fears and self doubt in the beginning caused me to lose time through procrastination. So by February 2021, I had no choice but to face my fears and JUST DO IT.
I knew, I had to completely focus, dedicate my painting days, and map them out in my diary. A very wise and experienced artist friend of mine told me she uses a studio notebook by writing her intentions at the beginning of every painting session. So I took her advice and thoroughly recommend you do to, as it pre-programs your mind and it is amazing when you read your notes later, to find out what you have written is actually what you have achieved. This IS the creative process. For example: 5 bold brush strokes in black, start off bold, focus on mark making, use a palette knife, do something amazing, be brave, take risks, you are enough. Once you have written your instructions to self, close your notebook and do not look at it again until you have finished your painting session.
Try it, and see how amazing our minds are.
I have so enjoyed the journey and today I feel so fulfilled and pleased with the expression of my creative instincts - being abstraction.